Responsibility Of 2nd Engineering On Board

Responsibility Of 2nd Engineering On Board

Responsibilities:  The 2nd Engineer is a main assistant of the Chief Engineer. Under the leadership of the Chief Engineer complementing the requirements of the safety management system and organizing the crew of engine department for maintenance and repair of all machinery, and electrical equipment on board the ship.

Be responsible of managing the main and auxiliary engine, make sure they are in good condition at any time and record relevant testing.

Take custody of materials, tools inside the engine room and spare parts of the main and auxiliary engines.   For further supplies, the First Engineer should fill in a requisition which must be ratified by the Chief Engineer before submitted to the Master for transfer to the company. Ensure all spare parts and materials are maintained in a good state and are kept clean to prevent them from deterioration (an inventory should be made every season indicating the existing stock and consumption rate).

Inspect all safety facilities and equipment every Saturday to ensure they are always ready, e.g. water-tight doors, fire extinguisher pump, life-boat, emergency air compressor, emergency generator, remote-control closing device and other fire-fighting facilities.

Read: Duty Of Second Engineer On Board

Assist the Chief Engineer to reckon the main and the auxiliary engine’s horse power at least once each voyage.   Manage repair work on the refrigerated plant.

Instructions of the Chief Engineer should strictly followed and carried out examine the gap of the main engine crankshaft deflection, the main engine cross head, crank pin bearing and main bearing in order to make appropriate adjustments and report the result to the Chief Engineer to be sent to the company. Check the foundation bolts are securely fixed once half a year. Inspection and ensure the bolts of inside the crankcase of main and auxiliary engines.

Read: Duty and Responsibility Chief Engineer

The First Engineer is responsible for keeping notes for daily work inside the Engineer’s Log Book.

Monitor and arrange Duty Engineers to dispose, top up or transfer the ballast water and to pump out water from the cargo holes bilge water upon the request of the Master or Chief Officer.

Carry out any other work concerning the ship under the instruction of the Chief Engineer.  Participate himself into the maintenance and repair of the engine room and the deck or appoint the crew members of the engine room to assist the repairmen in doing this.

Fill in the repair form and submit it to the Chief Engineer for approval before the ship is repaired. Supervise repair work and inspect the repaired items in person.

Be responsible for bunkering, measurement, statistics and management of the lubricating oil, submitted them to Chief Engineer.

Work times: On duty period 0400-0800; 1600-2000 whilst ship sailing at sea.

Follow the instruction of the Chief Engineer and ensure they are properly carried out.   Finish the work promptly as instructed by the Chief Engineer.   If the Chief Engineer cannot perform his for whatever reason or if the new Chief Engineer has not yet reported for duty, the First Engineer will be appointed to take over the Chief Engineer’s duties temporarily.

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