Waste oil and sludge generated in the Engine Room shall, in Principle, be incinerated. Materials which are not allowed to incinerate shall be landed for disposal in accordance with the procedures below.

Landing at site of dry dock

The Chief Engineer shall submit an application for the disposal of sludge and bilges on land to the manager of the ship maintenance division when dry docking. A Landing Certificate shall be obtained and retained with the oil record book

Landing at a port of entry

When landing waste oils and sludge at a port of entry, it shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures below.

An application covering the following shall be submitted to the manager of the Safety Nautical Manager at least one week before arrival.

  1. Quantity of waste oils and sludge to be landed.
  2. Examination of whether or not waste oils and sludge can be discharged up to the ship side with the ship's sludge pump.
  3. Remaining storage capacity of sludge tanks.
  4. Heating temperature of sludge.
  5. Other necessary matters.

While at sea, the equipment below shall be monitored regularly for oil leakages and the results shall be entered in the engine log book.

  1. Stern tube oil seal system
  2. Void spaces
  3. Machinery on deck (winch, windlass, cargo gear)
  4. Air vent system of each oil tank

Presence of oil on the sea surface at the stern shall be checked once a day.

Read; Disposal Of Engine Room Bilge

While in port, oil spill monitoring for the following shall be conducted once a day. The results shall be entered in the Port Log

  1. Sea surfaces at ship side.
  2. Lubricating oil leakages from machinery and equipment on deck.
  3. Presence of oil in save-all compartments.

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