What is Marine Engineering

Getting to Know Deeper about the Work of Marine Engineering

Compared with other types of jobs, marine engineering has just received popularity for the last few decades. That’s why people are still unfamiliar and questioning what is marine engineering regarding the profession. 

Over the last decade, engineering becomes a field that has significantly developed and diversified from what people could have thought in the past. The appearance of a new branch such as marine engineering is one of the phenomena that occur in this field. 

What is Marine Engineering?

When talking about the definition, marine engineering is a branch of engineering that is in charge of the construction, operation, maintenance, and reparation of all main mechanical as well as engineered equipment in the ship. 

That’s why, people who work as marine engineers can be easily discovered in docks, harbors, and seagoing vessels. The basic job for this profession is designing, building, and maintaining the marine vehicles or other structures used in the water. 

Among various kinds of seagoing vessels under the works of marine engineers include shifts, sailboats, submarine tanks, and aircraft carriers. 

This profession is also responsible for the ship’s internal system such as propulsion mechanics, power generation system, fuel system, lighting system, water distillation, electricity, machine lubrication, and so forth. 

Specialties Required for Marine Engineering

Working as a marine engineer, you will face tough jobs and life some might work when the ship is sailing on the sea. In order to be qualified as a marine engineer, there are several specialties that a person needs to have as follows.

  • Mechanical Engineering. As marine engineers need to deals with mechanical equipment of the ship, they need to be fully experienced in this field. Doing so not only helps them to operate mechanical equipment properly but also fix any problems related to it. 
  • Electrical Engineering. Electricity plays an important role in every seagoing vessel. Many systems of the marine vessels are working and operated using electricity. Hence, having a comprehensive understanding of it is required.
  • Oceanographic Engineering. This profession also works when sailing in the ocean. Consequently, one of the specialties that a marine engineer need to have is everything about the ocean which is often called oceanographic. 
  • Offshore Engineering. Marine engineering also might work offshore such as in docks and harbors. They commonly help to fix the broken part of the ship so they need to know about offshore engineering. 
  • Computer Science. Nowadays ships use a computer-based system in their operation. Hence, marine engineers have to be knowledgeable in computer science to be familiar with the ship system. 
  • Naval Architect. This specialty needs to be owned by marine engineer especially for them who specialize in ship maker or construction. 

Marine Engineering Lifestyle

The life of marine engineering is tough both physically and emotionally. Work onboard ships and shore jobs come with their challenges. These are some challenges you need to face when becoming a marine engineer.

  • Demanding works. The jobs of marine engineers are demanding because the ship engine consists of complex systems along with a high pressured environment. Mostly, marine engineers work in 4-hours shifts and go with additional hours if there is maintenance work to be done.
  • Long work hours. Long-hour works often happen during emergency time such as when there are any major breaks in the ship. They need to work until the system or machines are back into normal condition as well as ensure there are no similar threats left. 
  • Working contract. Similar to other’s ship crew, marine engineers also work on a contract basis. While under the contract of any shipping company, marine engineers may work from four to six months based on experience and rank. 

Knowing what is marine engineering helps you to understand this particular job better. It provides good consideration when you are interested to work in this field. 

Read: How to Become Marine Engineering

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